Wednesday 21 September 2011

This Blog will be Moving to

Just to let you know that I'm in the process of moving this blog from it's current location on Blogger to the main website. This is to enable more features to be added which hopefully will provide a better user experience.

The big advantage from a visitor's point of view is that it will permit lots of interesting, factual stuff to be easily available directly from the blog.

The process might take a few days, and I'm looking at automatically redirecting visitors who come to the current location here, at
This automatic redirection (including RSS feeds) may not work perfectly, as I have been known to screw things up now and then!. If it doesn't, then just go to the new website and "Follow" and/or "Register" there.

The site as a whole is being rebuilt to make it database-driven, so not all pages and features will be available immediately. Please bear with me, and apologies for any inconvenience.

I will put up further posts here to report progress on the move.

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